You can now make a referral to Smart Works using an online form

Making a referral is simple and hassle-free. With our new online form, referring to Smart Works is now quicker than ever, taking only a few minutes to complete.

Within one working day, Smart Works will reach out to the woman you have referred, ensuring that she receives the necessary support at a crucial time.

Make a referral

Happy new year from Smart Works Greater Manchester! We’ve been planning for 2023 for some time. We have BIG plans. We want to open an additional office in Greater Manchester. We’re running an International Women’s Day cycling challenge and we’re on track to double the number of women we support. Big plans.

We’re getting better known in our city: by women who come to us for support, by organisations that work with unemployed women and by corporate and individual supporters.

In the coming few weeks we will be talking LOUDLY about our International Women’s Day Cycle for Smart Works cycling challenge: we ask teams of five to collectively ride 500 miles in the week leading up to International Women’s Day. We’ll be celebrating our supporters and encouraging people to sign-up from 17 January.

Click here for more information about the challenge – or contact our team via Get as excited as us!

Helen Scott MBE is proud to be an ambassador for Cycle for Smart Works Greater Manchester for a second year.

Helen has an incredible haul of medals from track cycling, having medalled at three consecutive Paralympic Games as well as a host of medals at other tandem sprint championships.

We find her as inspiring as she finds the work we do at Smart Works Greater Manchester and we’re delighted that she will be sharing her training tips over the winter period as our cycling supporters get ready to pedal for a purpose in March 2023. As a track cycling coach, Helen knows how to support others to reach their targets.

Helen explains why she is a proud ambassador for Cycle for Smart Work, ‘I love a challenge – and this is quite a challenge. And similar to tandem, you don’t need to do this challenge alone. This is an amazing charity that helps women in disadvantaged situations to gain vital confidence skills, skills to gain employment and to better their lives.’

The photos shows Helen (on the right) with her 2018 tandem partner Sophie Thornhill celebrating a win in Canada.


Back to News
Location: Greater Manchester
Date: December 10, 2022
The Big Give – we hit our target! image

We (you!) did it!

Thanks to your donations, we’re thrilled to announce we hit our target donations of £25,000 for The Big Give challenge, which has been match funded and doubled, meaning we will receive £50,000 in total! Making even more of a difference to us and our clients.

A massive thank you for your donations, as we begin our expansion into Manchester city centre, your donations will help us support more unemployed women with high-quality interview clothing and one-to-one coaching.

Thank you to Manufacturers Network Ltd Barratt Energy & musicMagpie for their generous donations

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: November 24, 2022
Beaverbrooks chosen Charity of the year image

⁣We have kindly been chosen to be Beaverbrooks chosen Charity of the year. What makes this extra special, is that we have been nominated by one of their colleagues who had been through the Smart Works service 5 years ago. Shaunie came to Smart Works Greater Manchester for interview coaching & clothing in 2017. She got the job. Fast forward 5 years, and Shaunie is still in the job she went for when she visited Smart Works. It was a pleasure to welcome Shaunie back and this time, she arrived with a generous cheque! We’re so grateful and even more so that it was Shaunie who presented us with it. What a full circle moment, we’re so happy to see her continuing to thrive in her current role.⁣


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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: November 7, 2022
Register your interest for Cycle 2023 image
Register your interest for Cycle for Smart Works 2023!
As we celebrate 10 years of Smart Works next year, it’s time to take it up a gear. Pedal with a purpose for International Women’s Day 2023 and join us on our mission, as we work to double the number of women we help from 5,000 to 10,000 a year by 2025.
Whether you’re a cycling fanatic or a total novice, Cycle for Smart Works is an opportunity for you to play your part in empowering women for job success.
It’s time to strap in and put the wheels in motion. To find out more and register your interest click here.
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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: November 1, 2022
The Big Give image

At a time of exceptional need, we want to bring Smart Works to Manchester City Centre.

To fund this ambitious development, we have been selected to participate in the Big Give Christmas Challenge, the UK’s largest match funding campaign. Donations through the Big Give platform will be matched for 7 days from 29th November to 6th December, up to £25,000. Our matched target is £50,000, which will allow us to set up a new centre in Manchester city centre and fund 6 months of service delivery.

This will play a critical role in our aim to double the number of women supported by Smart Works across the UK, from 5,000 to 10,000 women a year by 2025. By donating via the Big Give between 29th November and 6th December, you can make this happen.

Why Smart Works Greater Manchester?

  1. Sustainability – We use fashion for a force for good. Our 100% sustainable wardrobe prevents clothing going to landfill through circular fashion.
  2. Diverse Workplaces – We strive to enable women from all backgrounds to access employment, leading to more inclusive and diverse workplaces
  3. Gender Inclusivity – Our work tackles the challenge of female unemployment, empowering women in their professional pursuits.

All donations will be doubled and make even more of a difference to us and to our clients. Click here for more information: One donation, twice the impact.


Read below to hear from our Trustee Elsa Zekeng, who has recently been recognised as BCA Heritage “40 under 40 Future black leaders”, about what Black History month means to her and her work at Smart Works Greater Manchester…

  1. You have recently been recognised by @bcaheritage as one of their ‘40 under 40 Future black leaders’ – What would you say is your most pivotal moment of your career to date?

In 2015, I was in the second year of my PhD and 2 experiences occurred that highlighted where my passion would lay for the years to come. Experience 1: The biggest Ebola virus outbreak in West Africa. I deployed with the WHO, Public Health England and the European Mobile Laboratory to Guinea, Coyah to support the testing and tracking of the Ebola virus. I spent 6-weeks in a team of 5 where we tested samples for Ebola and Malaria. We worked 12–14-hour days, 7 days/week and frequently lost track of days. The results we obtained were directly fed to the epidemiology team for further tracing of potential contacts. As a fairly young scientist, this experienced established the crucial role scientists play in outbreaks and as we have recently experienced through the COVID19 pandemic. My passion and curiosity to play an active role in this sector was ignited although it has taken various forms, it has never changed.

Experience 2: As a result of a series of unfavourable events that happened in Guinea, I begun blogging about the role policy has to play in either creating a new favourable reality or perpetuating unfortunate realities especially for people experiences from being on ground during the Ebola outbreak to a high-level panel at the European Development Days 2016. This included decision makers such as Mark Dybul, former Global fund director and Christiaan Rebergen, then Deputy Director for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands. The discussion was under the framework of sustainable development goal 3: Universal healthcare for all. While this was a very broad topic, I leaned specifically on my experience in Guinea. I highlighted the role of policies in; a) Creating equal partnerships between organisations in Scientific R&D, b) Encouraging inclusion of stakeholders who would be directly affected by the outcomes of these partnerships, c) Increasing access to funding for scientific R&D especially for institutions in the ‘Global South’ (Africa or Latin America) in an equitable manner and so much more.

The rest is history as they saysince then, I’ve been invited by organisations to advocate or speak on topics around Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in science and policies.

  1. What does Black History Month mean to you/why is it important?

Black History Month provides a time of celebration and recognition of the innumerable talents from black communities who continue to contribute in all sectors from science to the arts. It allows us to listen and acknowledge stories that would otherwise go unseen and learn about the realities of people who experience life differently due to social inequalities. Learning about those who paved the way for the world we see today, and those working to ensure the future is even more equal than it is now. 

  1. You joined the Smart Works Trustee Board in the summer of 2021, what attracted you to Smart Works Greater Manchester as an organisation?

Of course, there are several groups that are marginalised, but over the years, I found myself advocating for women, black and ethnic minority communities, and youth. I would speak about access to opportunities, freedom of choice, the limited access to investment women entrepreneurs faced, which goes even dimmer when you look at the intersection of gender and race. Essentially, the foundation was recognising the power financial freedom (be it through employment or entrepreneurship) has to change the choices a woman makes. Clearly, when the opportunity came to join Smart Works, I applied without hesitation as it felt serendipitous. I truly believe in Smart Works’ mission to change the lives of women through coaching and supporting them in their career journey. Goes without saying that it does help that I love fashion, it is the best combination. I have purchased several pieces throughout the SWGM sales.

  1. ‘Time for Change: Action Not Words’ is the 2022 BHM theme, what change would you enact for black women within employment?

It is the responsibility of institutions and organisations to ensure their internal policies can support the inclusion of black women in the workforce. Examples of questions for organisations to consider are:

1-       What are your recruitment policies?

2-       What type of employment contracts do you provide? (Short term or long term?) and is there equal pay?

3-       What is the culture of your organisations? (Would everyone feel included and are employees legally protected in the case of any incidents?)

4-       What steps do you take to ensure there is no bias during the reviewing of contracts, grant proposals and grant making process?

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: October 21, 2022
AJ Bell Money Matters event at Bloc image

A fabulous night with AJ Bell !

We were joined by Helena MorrisseyLaura Suter, and our Chair, Jan Iceton for an inspiring night of conversation. Our stylist Jill also came to speak about the power of dressing our clients and the support we offer. It was an insightful and uplifting evening, a huge thank you to everyone involved and for the beautiful space at Bloc Bruntwood Works . There was fizz, food, fantastic conversation and even an exciting, designer sale rail to shop!

AJ Bell’s partnership with Smart Works is focused around one common goal – to help more women achieve financial stability – something we understand you too feel passionately about. AJ Bell Money Matters helps to achieve that by encouraging women to have more open, honest conversations about their finances. AJ Bell hopes to tackle one of the biggest challenges facing society today – the gobsmacking £1.65 trillion gender investment gap.

For more on all Money Matters related activities, you can sign up to AJ Bell’s monthly newsletter, listen to the Money Matters podcast by visiting and if you haven’t already, following on Instagram at @ajbellmoneymatters.

We hope you enjoyed the evening as much as we did!

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: October 18, 2022
Fashion & Fizz 2022 – tickets available now! image
Come along for an evening of festive fun in collaboration with The Cheshire Club and John Lewis Cheadle this December with Smart Works Greater Manchester Ambassador – Cheshire local and TV presenter Michelle Ackerley.
For ticket holders – you can expect a glass of fizz on arrival, shop the famous Smart Works designer fashion rail, a live auction, raffle entry, complimentary gift wrap service voucher (redeemable 2 – 23 Dec), plus goody bags for the first 100 tickets holders. Click here to buy.
Excitingly, the evening will offer – festive fashion shows, style talks and demonstrations across all departments to get you into the Christmas spirit. Also, not to be missed; food and alcohol tastings, mini beauty treatments and tech talks – the ideal time to get yourself ready for the festive season.⁣
Smart Works Greater Manchester have been supporting unemployed women into employment since 2015, delivering over 3500 appointments with over 70% gaining successful employment. Your ticket purchase enables us to continue to transform women’s lives and help them to realise their potential 💙
Back to News
Location: Greater Manchester
Date: October 18, 2022
Over £7,000 raised at our Fashion Sale image
We’re thrilled to announce that our wonderful shoppers raised over £7,000 at our most recent fashion sale! A huge thank you to everyone who came and shopped , we’re so grateful for your support. Every penny raised goes directly to our frontline services, helping us support unemployed women into employment. Each purchase made will have made an impact, and that is something we’re truly grateful for!⁣
As always, we couldn’t of done this without the help of our dedicated volunteers and staff team, and of course our amazing shoppers!⁣