You can now make a referral to Smart Works using an online form

Making a referral is simple and hassle-free. With our new online form, referring to Smart Works is now quicker than ever, taking only a few minutes to complete.

Within one working day, Smart Works will reach out to the woman you have referred, ensuring that she receives the necessary support at a crucial time.

Make a referral

The 2023 Smart Works Unemployment Index is here.

As a women’s employment charity, we felt we had an obligation to provide a platform for women to share their unique experiences of what it means to be unemployed. We understand the importance of having a job, particularly in today’s challenging climate, and have witnessed this first-hand through our delivering our service. The Smart Works Unemployment Index exists to investigate the barriers women face when seeking employment, acting as an annual benchmark against which progress, impact, and change can be tracked and measured.

One year on from the launch of the inaugural Smart Works Unemployment Index, we’ve observed a deterioration in the conditions under which women are seeking work. Our sample size has more than tripled and the report analyses 3,784 conversations with those supported by Smart Works throughout 2023, offering a unique insight into the barriers women across the UK face when seeking employment in today’s landscape. Although we hoped this year’s report would bring some much-needed positive news about the recruitment landscape, sadly, this is not the case.

While the report revealed a challenging recruitment landscape, it also highlighted that women remain determined to work. This drive was not solely for financial security, despite the critical climate of the cost-of-living-crisis, but more to gain a ‘sense of purpose and identity’, which was cited by more women than any other motivator at 25%.

This year, we have taken this report one step further to recommend clear and simple actions that employers can take to ensure a more accessible recruitment process.

We know these women have significant potential to succeed, and the Smart Works service has the ability to help them tap into this potential and transform their lives. Together, we can support more women into the workforce and make employers realise that women are one of the greatest assets we have in our economy.

Click here to read the full report.

Huge thank you to TalkTalk and their Future Fibre Fund for awarding us with £2,000 to assist us with organising job fairs and supporting our wonderful clients through their interview process.

“The donation from Talk Talk’s Future Fibre Fund will enable us to extend our core programme of job coaching and employment dressing for unemployed women living in Greater Manchester and help build a closer relationship with employers and our clients in the fast growing tech sector” – Jan Iceton , Chair of Smart Works GM.

TalkTalk aims to empower more women into the technology sector through various initiatives, including its annual North West Women in Tech awards – providing a platform to recognise and applaud the outstanding contributions of inspirational women, a partnership with the University of Salford and UA92, in addition to internal colleague networks and mentoring.

Sign ups are open now! 🚴🏼💙⁣⁣⁣
Sign up for Cycle for Smart Works 2024, a “spoke-tacular” challenge that rides the wave for change, helping us empower unemployed women this International Women’s Day!⁣⁣⁣
Choose from three different distances across two action-packed weeks for one powerful purpose and combine the thrill of cycling with the joy of empowering a woman for job success.⁣⁣⁣
You won’t just be shifting gears on a bike but weaving a path for change and helping us shift towards a better future.⁣⁣⁣
Click the here to saddle up and take on the ultimate feel-good, do-good cycling challenge, helping us empower unemployed women this International Women’s Day.

We’re delighted to welcome our new Fundraising and Events Trustee (Guest) Helen Rendle to Smart Works Greater Manchester, supporting us on our mission to help even more women.

“I am excited to be part of Smart Works Greater Manchester and their mission to empower women into work. I was drawn to Smart Works GM as I feel strongly that providing women with the clothes to feel confident as well as the coaching support for them to truly believe in themselves is the perfect recipe for women’s empowerment in employment and beyond. I cannot wait to start working with the other volunteers and trustees to create memorable events to spread the message and ensure even more women are positively impacted by Smart Works and their mission.”

We can’t wait for Helen to join us and know that she will bring so much knowledge and value to this important role.

We’re so happy to announce that we (you!) did it. We hit our target donations of £25,000 for the Big Give Christmas challenge that will be match funded and doubled, meaning we receive £50,000 in total.

We are so thrilled to have met this target because of your kind and generous contributions, both from individuals and companies – a great big THANK YOU to all.

These funds will help us double the number of women supported by 2025 to 1,500 every year, meaning we can support even more women from Greater Manchester get the job and transform their lives.

Thank you so much for your generous donations and the Big Give 💙 one donation, twice the impact.

At Smart Works, our mission is to empower women by providing them with the clothing, coaching, and confidence they need for job and interview success. It’s our priority to reach women who are in the greatest need of our service at the right time, which is why a referral is always the first step in accessing our service.

Making a referral to Smart Works is simple and hassle-free. In addition to referring over the phone or via email, the introduction of our new online form makes referring quicker than ever, taking only a few minutes to complete. Within 24 hours, Smart Works will reach out to the woman you have referred, ensuring that she receives the necessary support at a crucial time.

Over the past 10 years, we have built strong relationships with referral agencies across the UK that help us connect with women seeking employment support or help to succeed at interview. By referring to Smart Works, you’re not only helping women secure employment but also empowering them to take control of their professional journey.

Click here to discover more about how you can refer to Smart Works and help more women access our service and transform their lives.

TODAY IS THE DAY! The Big Give Christmas Challenge starts NOW.

For the next week, all donations through The Big Give platform will be doubled up to £25,000, matched to £50,000.

Can you support us on our mission to double the number of women supported by Smart Works Greater Manchester by 2025 to 1,500 every year? Pledge to donate and transform a woman’s life by supporting and empowering her in her professional pursuits.

By donating through the Big Give, your donation can have twice the impact. Any donation is welcomed, big our small, it will all make a difference. Maybe you can pledge to donate the price of a mulled wine and a bratwurst from the Christmas markets, or maybe your company can support with a large corporate donation. Any and all amounts are absolutely welcomed and by doing this, you will be playing a part in another woman’s success story.

Click here to donate now.

We kicked off the festivities early this year with our Fashion & Fizz event at Mottram Hall, and we had the most amazing time! We were overwhelmed with the support from everyone who joined us for this special night, where we hear from our Ambassador Michelle Ackerley and Fashion Designer Nadine Merabi, as well as an evening of shopping our fabulous sale rales and much more.

We’re thrilled to announce we raised over £11,000, which is just incredible. Huge thank you for all your support, your ticket purchase, sale buys and raffle tickets are what made this possible. All funds raised go straight back to Smart Works Greater Manchester, making sure we can continue to deliver our services to unemployed women across Greater Manchester. Thank you for playing a part in this.

At Smart Works, we have six core values that guide what we do. These are at the heart of our Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Strategy, which you can read by clicking here 💙

This Transgender Awareness Week, we are proud to say that we always have and always will support the Transgender Community. Smart Works is here to support all women, including transgender women, and non-binary people who feel their gender expression connects with the Smart Works service and wardrobe.

Smart Works is committed to being an inclusive and welcoming space for everyone, and we have recently worked with Gendered Intelligence to support our trustees, staff, and volunteers in ensuring our service is as inclusive and welcoming as it can be. We will continue to advance our learning in this area so that we can best support our clients and community.

If you are a referrer looking to refer a client to Smart Works, or you are unemployed and seeking support, please get in touch. You can call us on 0161 974 0669, or visit our website to find your nearest Smart Works centre.

This week we have delivered our 5,000th appointment!

Since opening our doors in 2015, it has been our mission to support women back into work with confidence and since that time, we have delivered 5,000 appointments to women from all across Greater Manchester. These appointments range from 1st dressing appointments (at the point of our clients interview), second dressings (when our client has got the job and returns for her capsule wardrobe!) and career coaching appointments (CV help and support on career advice).

We are celebrating all of our wonderful clients today (and always!). Here’s to another 5,000 appointments!