You can now make a referral to Smart Works using an online form

Making a referral is simple and hassle-free. With our new online form, referring to Smart Works is now quicker than ever, taking only a few minutes to complete.

Within one working day, Smart Works will reach out to the woman you have referred, ensuring that she receives the necessary support at a crucial time.

Make a referral
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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: January 26, 2018
International Women’s Day 2018 Event – Smart Works Manchester & The Clink Charity image

Celebrate Women’s Day in style

Smart Works Greater Manchester and The Clink Restaurant (Charity Award Winners 2017) are hosting a luxurious Afternoon Tea to mark International Women’s Day. This event is to celebrate women and female success across Greater Manchester as well as the achievements of each of these two Award Winning Charities. Expect a sophisticated afternoon, shared with wonderful women all in aid of International Women’s Day.

The Clink restaurant aims to reduce re-offending rates of ex-offenders through projects that give prisoners training and practical skills. All this work, combined with Smart Works, gives the prisoners a chance towards rehabilitation and the first steps towards a new life.

Learn more about The Clink.

On the day

  • First of all – a welcome mocktail!
  • Afternoon Tea includes tea or coffee, a selection of sandwiches and cakes that are all freshly baked on site.
  • Raffle – Many great prizes up for grabs!

Finally, there will be an Inspirational Talk from the Chair of Tangerine & The Juice Academy- Sandy Lindsay MBE

(@SandyLindsay / /

Get your tickets by following the link here.

Smart Works Greater Manchester wishes everyone a wonderful International Women’s Day.

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: November 28, 2017
Charity of the Year – Smart Works chosen by Pro-Manchester Chair image
Pro-Manchester chooses Smart Works

We’re delighted to announce that Jane Forbes, Chair of pro-manchester and Partner at PwC, chose Smart Works Greater Manchester as her Charity of the Year. Over the next year pro-Manchester will raise funds and awareness for Smart Works through a range of events including their flagship annual dinner and winter social.

Forbes says, “We are really pleased to be supporting Smartworks Greater Manchester as our nominated charity this year. Smartworks has made such a positive change for so many women, unlocking confidence and instilling self-belief as they prepare for employment.”

All the team at Smart Works are very much looking forward to getting involved with all the events that Pro-Manchester will be holding and spreading the Smart Works magic further across Manchester.

Read the whole article here

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: November 28, 2017
Award Winners – North West Charity Awards 2017 image


The Smart Works Manchester Team had a very exciting and successful night out in October at the North West Charity Awards 2017. We were very honoured to receive two awards on the evening!! Our Chair Louise Parrott-Bates won ‘Charity Trustee of the Year’ and whole Smart Works Greater Manchester team won the ‘Small Charity Big Impact’ Award.

The event was a wonderful celebration of all the phenomenal charity work going on across the North West and the whole team enjoyed an inspirational night out.

Thank you to everyone who has supported us in our mission to bring the Smart Works magic to all areas of Manchester and growing the service to help hundreds of women back into employment, encouraging them to reclaim their lives and be the best they can be. Here’s to the an even more exciting future!

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: August 17, 2017
Smart Works Greater Manchester on Film image

Please use the link below to see a sneak peak into a day at Smart Works Greater Manchester. The film gives you an insight into how we prepare women for interview and the impact our service has on their confidence.

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: June 8, 2017
Smart Night Out – Roaring Success image

Smart Works Greater Manchester are delighted to announce our ‘Smart Night Out’ Charity Ball raised an outstanding £10,000 !

Following the tragic events at Manchester Arena, Smart Works were determined to stand united and strong, beginning the evening with a minute’s silence in memory and respect for all those affected.

Our first ‘Smart Night Out’ annual charity ball took place at Manchester’s MacDonald hotel. The 1920’s themed evening was enjoyed by all, wonderful raffle prizes won, auction items competitively bought and dancing into the night.

Organised by Aldemore, the event was supported by a number of prominent Manchester companies and their colleagues including DWF, Co-op, WorldPay, RBS, Bruntwood, Hatters Promotion and Marketing Stockport.

The evening was compered by Marketing Stockport’s founder Helen White and a founder trustee of Smart Works Greater Manchester.

A magnum of Verve Clique champagne was awarded to the winner of Heads & Tails competition and the Pledge Card draw.

Smart Works Greater Manchester was set up in 2015 by Louise Parrott-Bates, CEO of Pure Innovations who spoke with passion when she addressed the guests:

“I am so pleased to be able to welcome you all here this evening.

The tragic events that took place at Manchester arena on Monday evening have without doubt had an impact on us all. The loss of innocent lives, the bottomless pit of grief, the total disruptions of families that will be ever lasting; all from an incomprehensible act of evil.

Yet I feel grateful, so grateful for this City of Manchester and the people that came to help the suffering, wounded and dying; offering comfort, food, a bed for the night, or a taxi ride home. The amazing emergency services responding efficiently, effectively putting the people in need before themselves. In the midst of great darkness there was light, hope and a display of amazing love and togetherness.

I, like most people I’m sure, reflected with gratitude that my family were safe and how very fragile and precious life is. We became starkly aware of how quickly and cruelly it can change in the blink of an eye.

Life is a journey and together we can make the journey safer and easier for people if we work for the better together. At Smart Works we work with people along their journey to make their life just that little bit better; to give them a little more independence, a bit more confidence, a bit more money, a bit more fun. To gain a few more friends, connections and skills; to feel a sense of belonging and meaning because each and every one of us matter.

We are all unique but together we can be better, stronger and when the journey of life takes an unexpected turn we can take heart that we have networks of support to help us.

Like the people of Manchester, I am proud of the people who make Smart Works Greater Manchester a success, who make a positive difference to other’s lives every day. Thank you all for your support”

Smart Works Greater Manchester’s Lead Manager, Fiona Gunnion, explained how Smart Works Greater Manchester has already made a huge difference:  

“Since opening the Smart Works Manchester office in 2015 we have seen over 580 women and delivered over 710 appointments.

All our service is delivered by an amazing team of 40 volunteers who donate their time to support women across Manchester back into employment. I would like to take this opportunity to Thank all our volunteers for their continual support of Smart Works.

In 2017 we aim to see 500 women from across the 10 boroughs of Greater Manchester, increasing our service by over 25%.

It is also rewarding to hear feedback from our clients: ‘Smart Works has really helped me, not only to be interview ready but to tell the world how much I can bring in the future’. I am already looking forward to next year’s Smart Night Out.”

Following dinner, Smart Works former client Kendra Brown spoke of her experience of Smart Works. 

Kendra came to Smart Works last year after her confidence was knocked being made redundant on Maternity Leave. After receiving the Smart Works experience Kendra went on to secure employment. Kendra has since been a great supporter of Smart Works and now refers women into the service as part of her job role.

Like all good Smart Night’s out, the evening progressed with a fabulous raffle with lots of exciting prizes worth in total £2,500! We would like to thank all our supporters who helped the event run smoothly and successfully.

Beth Owen Photography captured the evening beautifully, please find pictures on the below link (download PIN: 8244). 

Aldermore Bank
Bramhall Golf Course
Crystal Maze
Experience Days
Wrapped In Leather
MacDonald Hotel
Royal Exchange Theatre
Individual Restaurants
Andrew Collier Photography
Lindsey Bull Art
Contour Cosmetics
Links of London
Oliver Bonas
Lulu Guinness
Women In Print
Travel Counsellors
Red Magazine
Richer Sounds
Flourish Florist
Manchester City Football Club
Blow LTD
Jenny Jones Jewellery
Analysis Legal
Beth Owens Photography
Cocoa Cabana Chocolatiers
Lloyds IP Cloud
Print Approved
Minster Cleaning 

Rachel Bates Interiors 

A very successful inaugural event has set the scene for Smart Works Night Out in 2018! 

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: May 23, 2017
Support Smart Works As Part Of Your Local Co-Op Community Fund image

Please think of us when you’re shopping at the Co-Op. 1% of what you spend on own-brand Co-op products (including carrier bags) will go to Smart Works Greater Manchester to help women back into employment.

Please click the link to view our community fund profile page. Happy shopping –>

If you are not already a member of the Co-Op, sign up here:

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: May 2, 2017
Ladies Dress To Impress For Smart Works image

Victor’s Eatery in Hale recently played host to ‘Lunch The Hale Way’ in support of Smart Works, a charity who provides good quality second hand work-wear and interview training to ‘Women in Need’.

The lunch was sponsored by HaleCroft Recruitment whose offices in Hale will subsequently be a ‘Drop Off’ point for clothing between 2nd May and 16th May. After 16th May, people can contact Smart Works directly.

Commenting on the event, Tricia Bullman, MD of Halecroft explained her involvement, “We recognise the importance of helping women return to the work place.  Both clothing and interview technique is essential. We are delighted to be supporting this wonderful charity.”

Commenting on the day, Fiona Gunnion, Manager of Smart Works, Manchester said, “A very big thank you for a wonderful lunch and event to spread the message of Smart Works. I met some fabulous people all offering their support.”

All guests received a ‘Goody bag’, courtesy of Hob Salon, Hale. The event was organized by Hale based company, Marketing Profile and in excess of £500 was raised on the day for the charity.

Drop off: Halecroft Recruitment, Pinewood House, 28 Victoria Road, Hale, WA15 9AD

Next fund raising event for Smart Works is the ‘Smart Night Out Ball’ on 25th May.  All enquiries to:

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: May 2, 2017
Smart Move – Motiv8 Teams Up With Smart Works image

In a smart move, Motiv8 has teamed up with Smart Works, which provides interview clothes and coaching services to women, to help Motiv8 clients put the finishing touches to the final hurdle of securing a job.

Motiv8 helps people aged 25 or over with tailored support to help them overcome multiple, complex needs preventing them from accessing training, job search and employment.  A personalised action plan helps people to address their individual needs and to help get them back on track.

​​The programme was set​ ​up​ ​thanks​ ​to​ ​£9.7m​ ​of​ ​funding​ ​from​ ​the​ ​Big Lottery​ ​Fund​ ​and​ ​European​ ​Social​ ​Fund’s​ ​Building​ ​Better​ ​Opportunities​ ​Programme. This funding​ ​was​ ​awarded​ ​to​ ​Manchester​ ​Athena,​ ​a​ ​partnership​ of ​social​ ​landlords​ ​across Greater​ ​Manchester,​ ​which​ ​was​ ​formed​ ​to​ ​work​ ​together​ ​to​ ​bid​ ​for​ ​and​ ​deliver employment​ ​and​ ​health​ ​programmes​ ​across​ ​the​ ​region.*  Motiv8 is led by New Charter Group with delivery partners from Stockport Homes, ForViva, Wythenshawe Community Housing Group and Bolton at Home.

Smart Works, which opened in June 2015 and is based in Stockport, provides interview clothes and a coaching and confidence building service to women in the Greater Manchester area who have a confirmed job interview for a paid position or a year-long apprenticeship.

Appointments to Smart Works are made by referral.  Currently, referrals regularly come from  Jobcentre Plus, work programme providers and charities working to support women back into employment.

Fiona Gunnion, Smart Works Manager, said: “We are delighted to be offering our services to Motiv8 to help their clients in the final stages of their job searching. We give the women who come for an appointment a complete outfit of clothes and accessories (theirs to keep) in a personal styling session which is delivered by our volunteer stylists. All our clothing is donated by other working women or direct from our retail partners such as Hobbs, Whistles, Next, Evans and Bobbi Brown. In addition, we also have a team of highly skilled, fully trained volunteers who provide one-to-one interview preparation and training so that the women we see feel more confident and start believing in their own ability to succeed.”

Motiv8 has already had a client who has benefitted from Smart Works support.  Sarah* (name changed to protect identity) is thankful to both Motiv8 and Smart Works for helping her get back on track.

Sarah came to Motiv8 following a traumatic period in her life, having left her home with nothing due to domestic violence. With the advice, encouragement and help of her Motiv8 key worker, Sarah began job searching and secured a job interview.  She was referred to Smart Works, and was provided with an interview outfit, accessories and makeup, which enabled her to go to the interview feeling calm and confident.

 Sarah said; “After a brief job trial, I was successfully appointed and I had a follow-on session with Smart Works who provided me with suitable clothes to help me until I was able to buy some of my own.  What they do is amazing.  It’s not just the clothes – they make you believe in the future and made me feel strong and independent.  I want to thank everyone for their support.”

Hazel Clarke, Programme Manager for Motiv8 said; “We support some​ ​of​ ​the​ ​most​ ​vulnerable​ ​people​ across Greater Manchester. We work with our partners to get the best advice and support for our clients and this link with Smart Works is already providing us with a great service.”

To​ ​qualify​ ​for​ ​support from Motiv8,​ ​participants​ ​need​ ​to​ ​be​ ​aged​ ​25​ ​or​ ​over,​ ​live​ ​in​ ​Greater​ ​Manchester and​ ​have​ ​the​ ​right​ ​to​ ​remain​ ​in​ ​the​ ​UK.​ ​​ ​They​ ​also​ ​must​ ​not​ ​be​ ​involved​ ​any​ ​other​ formal ​training or​ ​employment. To find out more, please visit their website or call 0161 331 2048 or email


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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: April 10, 2017
Smart Works Manchester is Hosting ‘Smart Night Out’ image

A glittering, glamorous black tie do at the MacDonald Hotel in central Manchester to celebrate and promote the amazing work that Smart Works does to help out-of-work women on low incomes to get back into the workplace.

The event will start at 7.30pm with complimentary welcome drinks, followed by a wonderful three course meal. Through out the evening you will have a chance to hear about the great work that Smart Works does as well as meet and mingle with many of the people who feel passionate about the charity. There will be chance to dance the night away, as well as a raffle and silent auction to raise much needed funds to support the Smart Work’s Manchester Office.

Supporters for our raffle and silent auction now include:

Aldermore Bank
Bramhall Golf Course
Crystal Maze
Experience Days
Wrapped In Leather
MacDonald Hotel
Royal Exchange Theater
Individual Restaurants
Lancashire County Cricket
Moo Boutique
Andrew Collier Photography
Stella and Dot
Lindsey Bull Art
Contour Cosmetics
Links of London
Revolucion de Cuba
Oliver Bonas
Andrew Collier Photography
Twenty Twenty Two
Lulu Guinness
Women In Print
Travel Counsellors
Red Magazine
Richer Sounds
Flourish Florist
Manchester City Football Club
Blow LTD
Jenny Jones Jewellery
Analysis Legal
Beth Owens Photography
Cocoa Cabana Chocolatiers
Lloyds IP Cloud
Print Approved
Minster Cleaning
Rachel Bates Interiors 

We’re also excited to announce support from Nigel Owens, world’s leading rugby referee, who will be donating a signed rugby ball to us. More information on Nigel here:

Tickets are available via Eventbrite here:

Sponsorship and table packages are available on request

We hope to see you for an exciting night to remember!

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Location: Greater Manchester
Date: February 21, 2017
K-Club Women’s Business Lunch hosted by DWF image

In collaboration with the K Club, we invite you to join us for the opportunity to network over a buffet lunch and to hear from their inspiring speaker – Yvonne Williams.  Held during the month of Manchester City Council’s led ‘Manchester International Women’s Day Festival 2017’ we want you to be #StrongerMcrWomen!

UK’s Leading Mindset Coach, Yvonne Williams, will share how to create a crystal clear vision for life beyond the career crossroads.  You’ll also uncover your hidden challenges that might be sabotaging your ability to decide ‘What next?’.  You will leave the event feeling energised, renewed and inspired to finally have the focus and skills to move into a new and exciting season.

The event will be on Wednesday the 8th of March between 12pm and 2pm and 25% of the proceeds from ticket sales go towards Smart Works Greater Manchester.

Tickets will be available via Eventbright here.